pt Health Recognizes June Employees of the Month!

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june employees of the month

Behind the pt Health name are exceptional individuals bringing wellness offerings to clinics across Canada. Patient care is based on sincerity, trust, and knowledge, core values our employees embrace each day. These characteristics undoubtedly contribute to our overall success and pt Health wishes to say thank you, by recognizing persons making a difference through patient attention and peer support.

Matt (left) and Dayne (right) are June’s employees of the month!

This month pt Health honors Matt and Dayne who represented Cobblestone Gardens in the community event,  “Big Bike Ride for Heart and Stroke,” raising $1453 on behalf of the home. This unique dedication and involvement make Dayne and Matt exceptional pt Health employees. Congratulations to both of them! “

Matt: Matt began his career with pt Health as a PTA in the Niagara region in July 2009, at Cobblestone Gardens, and became team leader in 2010. When he is not working Matt is settling into his first home with his adopted greyhound rescue dog. A runner, he enters relays whenever he can, and is always willing to take on new challenges.

Dayne: Dayne is a recent KIN graduate and started her career with pt Health in July, 2011. Her warm personality is loved by the residents at Cobblestone Gardens. Outside of her work, Dayne contributes her time to the tourism industry in the Niagara region.

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