pt Health Employees Go the Distance – Raising Funds for Cancer Research

pt HealthCommunity Involvement Leave a Comment

paulette-laurenpt Health employees took their talents outside the office on Friday, June 8, 2011, with a mission to raise money for the Canadian Cancer Society, in the Hamilton Relay for Life at Dofasco Park.

Decked out in rain gear and athletic garb, 41 employees took turns walking and running laps from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m., in the all night event which raised $260,000; $13,000 of which was generated by our  own pt Health participants!

Wrapping up the final laps in the early morning hours of Saturday, June 9, were ten dedicated participants.

The team gave special recognition to Paulette Gardiner Millar and Lauren Bennett who donated their own hair toward cancer patient wigs. If you missed the chance to donate to the cause, the Canadian Cancer Society accepts donations online at

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