Stroke Rehabilitation

About Stroke Rehabilitation


  • Helps stroke patients improve their quality of life.
  • Aids in learning new and alternative ways of carrying out tasks of daily life.
  • Reduced risks of complications and possible disability.
  • Effective treatment of areas specifically affected by stroke.

What is Stroke Rehabilitation


Our brain controls our movements, our senses as well as the way we think and behave. When the blood circulation to the brain stops, the cells in that area may die. Inadequate blood supply to the brain may result in stroke.

Stroke rehabilitation involves a team of therapists with different skills who provide help and support to the patient so they can  recover from the stroke quickly. The therapists who are involved in the rehabilitation process for a stroke patient include a physician, physiotherapist, psychologist, speech and language therapist and occupational therapist.

Stroke rehabilitation reduces paralysis, weakness and numbness and helps to restore mobility in the patient’s body. The goal of stroke rehab is to help an affected patient relearn and return to regular daily activities.

How Rehab Helps


It goes without saying that if you suffer from a stroke, one of the first options you may think of is stroke rehabilitation. Studies have concluded that rehabilitation has helped many patients to recover after a stroke. It was also found that many people who do not undergo stroke rehab showed little or no signs of improvement.

Stroke rehab is about generating an organized plan in order to re-learn every function that had been lost due to a stroke. Stroke rehab helps in restoring skills like feeding, grooming, taking a bath and wearing clothes.

Common Questions


Coverage Options


pt Health therapy services are covered by most extended health insurance companies and in some cases Veterans Affairs and Medicare – such as OHIP (Ontario), Alberta Health Care and Medical Service Plan MSP (British Columbia). Not sure if you’re covered? No problem. We can help you find out (and usually within the hour). Just call us toll free at 1-866-749-7461.

At pt Health we believe your health should come first. We take care of the paperwork so you can focus on getting better, plus we offer direct insurance billing, saving you time and up front costs.

Ready to feel your best? Schedule an appointment at any one of our convenient locations near you or BOOK ONLINE!

Learn More About pt Health Coverage Options



It was concluded in a recent study that by detailing what a qualified personal trainer for stroke rehabilitation can do, in combination with appropriate medical screening and following an appropriate structure course of recovery that adheres to specific programming, a patient can achieve the benefits of training with an expert.

A study on ‘Stroke rehabilitation in a patient with cerebellar cognitive affective syndrome’ showed that cognitive dysfunction in patients with cerebellar damage is assumed to develop from disturbance of the cerebrocerebellar circuit. The study concluded that rehabilitation of these patients must include assessment not only of the motor function, but also of detailed assessment of cerebral function.

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