Ergonomic Assessment

About Ergonomic Assessments


Evaluate the health of your workplace…

  • Reduced Risk of Workplace Injuries: Reduce Lost Work Hours.
  • Improves Employee Efficiency: Workspace Optimization Strategies Suggested.
  • Reduces Long Term Injury Exposure Which Affects Work Output.
  • Helps Improve Employee-Employer Work Relationship.
  • Maintenance of Good Posture.

What is an Ergonomic Assessment?


An ergonomic assessment is crucial for the fitness of the workforce in an organization. Work related injury is usually due to awkward posture, forceful movement, and external factors such as noise which can affect health and work output. These factors can also have serious implications for an employee’s health since they put strain on the bones, tendons and muscles.

Ergonomic problems are usually caused by technological changes like repetitive work, specialized tasks, and computer jobs that give people little opportunity to exercise. People who suffer from ergonomic problems end up with back problems, shoulder ache, headache and eye problems among other issues.

An ergonomic assessment evaluates different kinds of stresses on the muscles, tendons and bones so that the risk of injury is reduced.

The assessment also includes solutions and modifications on how a job can be performed to reduce stress and pain.

Common Questions


Coverage Options


pt Health therapy services are covered by most extended health insurance companies and in some cases Veterans Affairs and Medicare – such as OHIP (Ontario), Alberta Health Care and Medical Service Plan MSP (British Columbia). Not sure if you’re covered? No problem. We can help you find out (and usually within the hour). Just call us toll free at 1-866-749-7461.

At pt Health we believe your health should come first. We take care of the paperwork so you can focus on getting better, plus we offer direct insurance billing, saving you time and up front costs.

Learn More About pt Health Coverage Options



The publication, Safety & Health Assessment & Research for Prevention (SHARP) conducted research on occupational safety. The publication discusses ergonomic assessment and cumulative trauma disorders in various industries.

The University of British Columbia and Arthritis Research Centre of Canada aimed to devise and pilot an ergonomic assessment tool for people with arthritis. This will bring about ergonomic modifications to maintain work productivity and alleviate loss in work days.

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