Virtual Physiotherapy Spotlight: Saadia Hassan

Kirsten RoesinkPhysiotherapy, Spotlight, Virtual Care

Are you looking to continue your rehabilitative treatment while practicing physical distancing and self-isolating?

Good news! pt Health now offers virtual physiotherapy, giving you the opportunity to receive treatment from the comfort of your own home through video conference technology.

Wondering how virtual physiotherapy works? In this Spotlight, we’ll share some first hand information from one of our physiotherapists with you.

Saadia Hassan, Clinic Team Manager and Physiotherapist at Flamborough Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation – pt Health has been offering virtual physiotherapy here for the past few weeks.

Today, we’re talking to Saadia about her experience with this service so far.

Q: Tell us about the type of treatments you can provide through virtual physiotherapy.

A: Through virtual care, we have the ability to focus on the aspects of treatment that are most supported by research: patient education and exercise prescription.

Virtually, we can complete assessments on all kinds of injuries (sprains, strains, overuse/soft tissue, healed fractures, etc.) and provide advice or education on how to manage the injury with the resources that patients have available at home. If there are certain products that a patient might need (e.g., theraband), we can make those recommendations as well.

We then go through some exercises, as appropriate, to start the process of rehabilitating the injury.

Q: What has the patient experience been like with virtual care?

A: Virtual care offers an exciting new way to provide care for patients during these challenging and unprecedented times.

We have been treating patients with acute pain by providing education, tips/strategies, and exercises to help them manage their injuries from the comfort of their homes.

We have all experienced an injury at some point in our lives, and we know how important it is to properly rehabilitate an injury in order to reduce the chances of recurrence or regression.

To that end, access to virtual physiotherapy treatment has been a huge source of relief for patients. It has helped them stay on track with achieving their goals for return to work, sport, or function, while also allowing them to stay connected with their clinician to address any new concerns that might arise.

Q: Can you share your favourite story of how you helped a patient with virtual care?

A: It’s hard to pick just one!

I recently assessed several patients who experienced fractures just before the clinics closed – some needed surgical intervention and some did not. However, all of them needed physiotherapy treatment to get themselves mobile in their homes and be able to stand to cook, go up/down stairs, get in/out of the tub, or simply just walk.

I am very happy to say that through our weekly virtual physiotherapy sessions, all of these patients have made significant strides (no pun intended!) in their mobility.

With appropriate exercise progression, all of them are now walking independently and are able to manage their day-to-day activities effectively.

Learn More Or Book Today

If you’d like more information about virtual care or would like to book a virtual care appointment, please visit our Virtual Care page or call us at 1-888-314-2726.

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