Virtual Physiotherapy Spotlight: Cindy Dennis

Kirsten RoesinkPhysiotherapy, Spotlight, Virtual Care

Are you looking to continue your rehabilitative treatment while practicing physical distancing and self-isolating?

Good news! pt Health now offers virtual physiotherapy, giving you the opportunity to receive treatment from the comfort of your own home through video conference technology.

Wondering how virtual physiotherapy works? In this Spotlight, we’ll share some first hand information from one of our physiotherapists with you.

Cindy Dennis, Clinic Team Manager and Physiotherapist at Bright’s Grove Physiotherapy and Wellness Centre – pt Health and Physiotherapist at Sarnia Community Care Physiotherapy – pt Health has been offering virtual physiotherapy here for the past few weeks.

Today, we’re talking to Cindy about her experience with this service so far.

Q: Tell us about the type of treatments you can provide through virtual physiotherapy.

A: I have been able to do virtual care assessments and treatments for any musculoskeletal complaint.

It has been nice to do a one on one treatment session with clients focusing on education, home exercises to help with their condition, self joint or soft tissue mobilization and answering any specific questions the client has.

I have worked with patients suffering with shoulder pain, low back strains, concussion and post surgery.

Q: What has the patient experience been like with virtual care?

A: The patient experience has been very positive.

All clients have enjoyed the education aspect, where I have had the time to explain their condition and what we need to do to help resolve their injury.

The clients are also enjoying specific exercises tailored to help their condition and the way we can review them virtually to progress their home program as they work through the phases of healing.

Q: Can you share your favourite story of how you helped a patient with virtual care?

A: I don’t have one specific story at this time but all patients that I have treated through virtual care have been extremely thankful that we are offering this service in a time when we can’t see them in person.

They all have been appreciative of the education and exercises we can provide them with as well as tips to help with pain reduction.

Learn More Or Book Today

If you’d like more information about virtual care or would like to book a virtual care appointment, please visit our Virtual Care page or call us at 1-888-314-2726.

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