Rachel: Possibly The Best Patient. Ever.

pt HealthMiscellaneous

Rachel Onishi is now a week past her surgery and is making remarkable progress. Even the doctors are amazed! She credits her rapid recovery to the fact that she is a physio. She knows the important of moving around after a surgery like this…even if it’s painful and she feels more like lying down. It might be difficult, and tiring and she gets short of breath, but she knows movement is an essential part of recovery.

Rachel also has plans for her physical recovery. She is going to look at her surgical notes and develop her own rehab program. She’s motivated, positive, and optimistic about the weeks and months ahead.

Most importantly, her sense of humour remains intact and she almost set her hospital room on fire.

Don’t believe us? Go and read her blog at http://cytosinedeleted.wordpress.com/.


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