Image of pelvic health physiotherapist Marianne Custodio-Fox. Sherwood Park Alberta

Physiotherapist Spotlight: Marianne Custodio-Fox

pt HealthSpotlight


We love talking about our clinicians, that’s why spotlights are some of our favourite posts. How could they not be when we have so many phenomenally driven and ambitious people working at our clinics across the country? For us, spotlights are a great chance to introduce our clinic team members, give them a platform to share what they love about their careers, and learn a little more about the people that make working at pt Health so great.

Name: Marianne Custodio-Fox

Education: Bachelor of Science Degrees in Biology (2005), and Kinesiology (2007) from the University of Victoria and Master of Science in Physical Therapy from University of Alberta (2010), Certified in Medical Acupuncture from the University of Alberta (2012).

Clinic: Sherwood Park Physiotherapy

Areas of focus:
Traditional Chinese Acupuncture, dry needling, and pelvic health. My pelvic health practice focuses on, male and female urinary incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, pelvic floor weakness, pelvic pain/coccydynia, and pre-natal and post-natal pelvic rehab.

Motto or Personal Mantra:
Just say yes! Often we are presented with opportunities for experiences outside of our comfort zone that we would normally choose not to participate in if given the time to think about it. My husband and I adopted this motto a few years ago in lieu of making New Year’s Resolutions. We found that after that first year we had experienced so many new things, learned so much (about different things and also about ourselves), and met so many new and amazing people that we just decided to keep it going. It’s been five years now, and our lives have been so much more enriched for it.

This motto applies to clients as well. We often ask patients to try new and different exercises or treatments to help them along in their rehab – those that can keep an open mind and “just say yes” in my experience tend to get better faster.

What drew you to pt Health originally?
When I came to pt Health, I was still a relatively new physio, I had only been practicing for two years, and I was looking for a clinic/company where I could mentor and grow as a clinician. I also wanted to be at a place where there would be opportunities to learn about the other side of running a clinic.

Prior to coming to pt Health I just hadn’t found the right fit. I had worked with some amazing and talented physios but found that most other clinics just didn’t afford the time to be able to mentor new grads. At pt Health, I found that they really invest in their clinicians and had the resources to be able to support clinical growth as well as teach you about the business side of running a clinic. pt Health really supported and encouraged the development of my pelvic health practice.

What’s your average day like?
My days are usually spent treating about 90% pelvic and 10% general patients. I work in a PT only schedule so that I can tailor my days to provide the one-on-one care required for my clients.

When I’m not in the clinic, I can typically be found at the dog park, playing with my daughter, or checking out the food and festival scene around Edmonton with my husband.

How long have you worked at pt Health? 5 years

What is one of your favourite stories of how you helped a patient?
Whether it is helping a patient to be able to go out with confidence that they will be able to control their bladder, the couple having issues with painful intercourse that just wants to start a family or be able to have that emotional and physical connection, or the soon-to-be or new moms just trying to juggle all of the new changes happening to their bodies and keep it together, I have been lucky enough to have been rewarded with many patients who have been able to successfully attain their pelvic rehab goals.

One standout for me was one client who came to me with urinary frequency so severe that he was voiding his bladder 22-24 times in 24 hours. This frequency was preventing him from participating in many activities, limiting his sleep, and negatively affecting his quality of life. However, with hard work, extensive education, and the client’s willingness to try new things we were able to reduce his frequency to a normal 8-10 voids in 24 hours. He was able to return to activities he hadn’t done in years – go hiking, attend movies and concerts, join an orchestra group, go on long road trips, and most importantly sleep through the night with only 1 void. The change to his quality of life was so dramatic for him that to this day – a couple of years later – he still likes to keep in touch to keep me update on his latest adventures.

What might someone be surprised to know about you?
It surprises people to learn that in my first degree in Biology that my main focus was on Entomology (the study of bugs). I had a real passion for beetles in my youth.

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