Wisdom Wednesday

pt HealthCompany News

“To keep the body in good health is a duty…otherwise, we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.” – Buddha

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Getting involved with pt Health Partners For Life program

pt HealthCommunity Involvement

Want to know how you can contribute to the pt Health Partners For Life program?? Want to get involved? Here’s how it works.  Register HERE to be part of pt Health’s Partnership for Life Find a clinic near you at www.blood.ca Give blood & save lives!   Our Partnership Number is PTHE089693, once you give this to Canadian Blood Services (or use the link above to register), …

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pt Health is a Partner For Life with Canadian Blood Services.

pt HealthCommunity Involvement

At the end of February, pt Health was honoured to attend the official launch of our “Parters For Life” partnership with Canadian Blood Services at an awards recognition breakfast. The purpose of this awards breakfast was to recognize and celebrate last year’s partners. In particular, Canadian Blood Services was excited about the pt Health partnership because of the impact we …

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pt Health honours the fallen Moncton RCMP officers.

pt HealthCommunity Involvement

On June 4, 2014, three RCMP officers were killed in the line of duty in Moncton. Cst Fabrice George Gevauden, Cst Dave Ross, and Cst Douglas James Larche leave behind families who now have to figure out how life works without them, both emotionally and financially. pt Health was deeply impacted by this tragedy, particularly because we have two clinic …

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Rachel: Possibly The Best Patient. Ever.

pt HealthMiscellaneous

Rachel Onishi is now a week past her surgery and is making remarkable progress. Even the doctors are amazed! She credits her rapid recovery to the fact that she is a physio. She knows the important of moving around after a surgery like this…even if it’s painful and she feels more like lying down. It might be difficult, and tiring …

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Rachel is doing well!

pt HealthMiscellaneous

Rachel is now a few days post-op and is doing really well. Her husband updated her blog for the first few days, but Rachel felt well enough to post yesterday. Go to her blog to read her account of post-stomach reality: http://cytosinedeleted.wordpress.com/    

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Today is surgery day for Rachel!

pt HealthMiscellaneous

Today is the day that Rachel has her gastrectomy. You’ve followed her story through our corporate blog posts. Please join all of us at pt Health in sending Rachel our best wishes for a successful surgery and a speedy recovery. We will keep you up to date on what is going on. Rachel – you rock.

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Physiotherapy after gastrectomy surgery.

pt HealthMiscellaneous

We’ve taken you through a lot of Rachel’s story – from genetic testing, to results, to diagnosis, and now through to surgery. Later on this month, Rachel will be having a complete gastrectomy. As a physiotherapist who works for a rehabilitation company, Rachel knows that physiotherapy, massage therapy, and naturopathic medicine will have a part to play in her recovery …

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Life with a gastrectomy.

pt HealthMiscellaneous

Last week, we told you about how an upper endoscopy revealed that Rachel had Hereditary Diffuse Gastric Cancer.  This week we’ll tell you a bit about gastrectomies: why this is the best solution for people with CDH1 mutation and/or HDGC and what it involves. “Although this procedure is complicated and commonly leads to weight loss, diarrhea, altered eating habits, and …

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