Treatment Tuesday

pt HealthCompany News

Your muscle cramps can be treated.

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Move It Monday

pt HealthCompany News

Swimming can help you maintain a healthy weight, healthy heart and lungs.  

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Friday Fact

pt HealthCompany News

Whole foods are full of antioxidants to reduce heart disease. (Source:

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Physio Spotlight – Dan Nightingale

pt HealthCompany News

Meet Dan Nightingale – one of our many pt Health Registered Physiotherapists. Dan is our Clinic Director at pt Health Drury Lane Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation located in Burlington, Ontario. He has experience treating a variety of orthopaedic conditions from low back pain to sport specific injuries and believes the combination of manual therapy and active exercise programs leads to optimal …

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Wisdom Wednesday

pt HealthCompany News

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” – Aristotle

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Treatment Tuesday

pt HealthCompany News

Fibromyalgia can cause sleepless nights which can worsen your pain. Click here to learn more.  

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Monday It Monday

pt HealthCompany News

Boost your fitness, weight loss, or an environmental choice, cycling can help you stay in shape.

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Friday Fact

pt HealthCompany News

Working out may lower a woman’s risk of breast cancer, osteoporosis & heart disease. (Source:

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Thursday Top Five – Top 5 healthy food trends for 2015

pt HealthCompany News

Thursday Top Five – Top 5 healthy food trends for 2015 1. Bone Broth 2. Spiralizing your food 3. Less refined sugar 4. Anti-inflammatory diets 5. Restaurants to provide more healthy options

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