Different Types of Massage Therapy – Which One is Right for You?

pt HealthMassage Therapy

Getting a massage is an excellent way to rejuvenate yourself! Massage therapy should be thought of as essential, healthy management rather than last-minute crisis management. After all, it’s cheaper to change your oil than your engine. And yet, most of us look at it as an indulgent treat we don’t have time and money for. But massage therapy isn’t just …

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Pregnancy and low back pain

pt HealthPelvic health, Physiotherapy, Pregnancy, Women's Health

Studies have shown that 50% of women develop low back pain or pelvic girdle pain during pregnancy. Pelvic girdle pain is lower than your typical back pain and can occur in the back, around the sacroiliac (SI joints), or can show up in the front, around the pubic symphysis. Both joints widen naturally due to relaxin and estrogen in the …

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Osteoporosis: a silent disease

pt HealthPhysiotherapy

Osteoporosis is a condition that causes bones to become thin and porous, decreasing bone strength and increasing the risk of breaking bones. It’s often called a silent disease because you can’t feel your bones weakening. For some people, breaking a bone is the first sign of osteoporosis. Others notice that they are getting shorter or that their upper back is …

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Avoiding injuries this fall

pt HealthInjury Prevention, Occupational Therapy

Are those summer plants and flowers looking brown and overgrown? Is it time to rake some leaves? Whether you are tidying up the garage or cleaning up the yard, these tasks can involve stretching, lifting, pushing, pulling, climbing, twisting and turning, and most people tend to overextend themselves. Taking a few necessary precautions can go a long way in helping …

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What exactly is occupational therapy?

pt HealthOccupational Therapy, Uncategorized

Throughout my career as a physiotherapist, a question that countless patients have asked me (and a question I was asking too) is “what is occupational therapy?” As my understanding of occupational therapists (OTs) grew, I came to appreciate the vast skill set these healthcare professionals possess, and the exceptional and innovative ways they guide and support their clients. Occupational therapists …

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How pelvic floor physiotherapy can help during pregnancy

pt HealthPelvic health, Physiotherapy, Pregnancy

The recovery of pelvic floor muscles following childbirth has become a prominent topic in the last several years, but did you know that it is actually beneficial to see a pelvic floor physiotherapist before you give birth? Seeking pelvic floor physiotherapy while pregnant is a great way to prepare your body and muscles for childbirth. The pelvic floor includes a group of …

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Two simple tests you can try to evaluate your risk of falling

pt Healthfall prevention, Vestibular Rehabilitation

As many as one-third of older adults fall at least once a year. These falls often have unfortunate consequences, like fractures or head injuries, increased burden on caregivers, and higher healthcare costs. Even the fear of falling again can make people restrict their activities thinking that they are reducing their risk, but the resulting deconditioning may actually increase fall risk. …

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6 exercises to help manage carpal tunnel syndrome

pt HealthPhysiotherapy

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is one of the most common nerve compression conditions affecting 3-4% of the general population. It involves temporary increased pressure on the median nerve as it passes through a small tunnel in the wrist known as the carpal tunnel. This temporary compression can be caused by swelling in the tendons surrounding the median nerve and contributes …

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Understanding the common symptoms of knee arthritis

pt HealthArthritis, Knee pain, Physiotherapy

If you are dealing with or suspect you may have arthritis, you are not alone. It is the most common form of joint condition, affecting approximately 302 million individuals worldwide. The knee is the most commonly affected joint. Some of the most common symptoms those with knee arthritis experience are: clicking or other noises with movements, knee pain that increases …

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