Self-care tips for the winter

pt HealthOccupational Therapy

Winter can be a challenging time of year for many. Snow, ice and challenging road conditions can make it difficult to engage in activities you enjoy, so many people end up hibernating in their homes while yearning for the summer months. Although everyone needs time to relax and recharge, winter can be a great time to explore outdoor settings, reset …

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What exactly is cupping therapy?

pt HealthPain Relief

Cupping therapy (aka myofascial decompression) can be traced back to ancient Chinese, Egyptian and Middle Eastern cultures. The technique is even described in one of the oldest medical textbooks in the world, the Ebers Papyrus, which means that ancient Egyptians may have been using cupping therapy as early as 1550 B.C. In cupping therapy, the therapist places cups (which can be …

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Feel your best for the holidays with these 5 stretches

pt HealthAt-home exercises, Massage Therapy

The year flies by and before you know it, it’s autumn heading into winter. As we rake leaves, put away outdoor furniture, and start our holiday shopping, we might be left with sore and overworked muscles. Before you find yourself rubbing your neck and shoulders, consider booking a massage therapy session to help alleviate the built-up tension so you can …

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Anxious while driving? Occupational therapy can help.

pt HealthOccupational Therapy

Does the thought of driving worry you? Getting behind the wheel and driving, or simply being in a moving car, can be an overwhelming and anxious experience for some drivers and passengers. Anxious feelings associated with vehicles may be the result of car accidents (whether you have been in one previously or are afraid of getting into one). It is …

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How Active Release Techniques can relieve sore muscles

pt HealthMassage Therapy

Muscles are incredible things. These soft tissues, found in most animals, are what allow us to move. We can improve their strength through exercise, allowing us to produce more force to push harder or run faster. But no matter how strong your muscles are, they can still become tense and sore through stress or acute injury. The ART of healing …

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8 recommendations for running in the winter

pt HealthPhysiotherapy

The days are getting shorter and the air is getting colder, but that doesn’t mean you have to trade in the running trails for the treadmill. Those that keep up their outdoor running through the chilly winter months tend to perform better come race season – and you can burn more calories just trying to stay warm too! Instead of …

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7 tips to help you cope with holiday anxiety

pt HealthOccupational Therapy, Uncategorized

While it is common for people to become overwhelmed and stressed over the holiday season, when you deal with anxiety, this time of year can be especially challenging. The following are some tips on how to cope with anxiety over the holidays. 1. Limit worrying If you tend to worry a lot, try to limit the amount of time that …

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6 tips that may help ease mental fatigue

pt HealthOccupational Therapy

What is mental fatigue? Mental fatigue is the experience of feeling extremely tired and drained after doing activities that require mental energy. Although some mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety can cause mental fatigue, we might also experience it in our everyday lives. For example, you may feel mentally exhausted after a long day at work or after …

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3 tips that can help improve posture

pt HealthAt-home exercises, Physiotherapy

When spending a lot of time at your desk, it can be easy to forget about things like proper posture and you can end up with a sore neck and back. Spending time at a desk is often necessary, but it doesn’t have to lead to a stiff neck as long as you follow a few tips and take some time …

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