Get your sleep back on track with these 7 strategies

pt HealthAt-home excerises, Occupational Therapy

Did you know that 1 in 2 Canadians has trouble falling asleep or staying asleep during the night? Today we’ll discuss why sleep is important, what the link is between sleep and pain, and we’ll share some practical strategies that can help you improve your sleep. Why is sleep so important? Sleep is an essential function. While you sleep, your …

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Is This Serious: Why Does the Top of My Foot Hurt?

pt HealthFoot pain

The Different Types of Top of Foot Pain You may have a localized pain somewhere on the top of your foot. It could be close to the toes, toward the inside of your arch or right in the middle. It acts up while you run, walk or even stand for prolonged periods of time. Other symptoms may include bruising, swelling, inflammation …

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Going for a bike ride? Here’s how helmets can keep you safe

pt HealthConcussions, Injury Prevention

With summer in the air, it’s time to dust off the bike, rollerblades, scooters and skateboards for some fun outdoor activity. When it comes to injury prevention, all of these sports have one thing in common: the need to wear a helmet. For cyclists, the most common cause of serious injury is a collision with a vehicle. According to Parachute Canada, …

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Don’t let neck pain get in the way. Ease your discomfort with these tips

pt HealthAt-home exercises, Neck pain, Pain Relief

During the pandemic, many people have shifted to working from home. After more than a year, a growing number of people are discovering that working from home can be a real pain in the neck – literally! Has a previously occasional nagging pain or stiffness in your neck become more focalized within your everyday life? You’re not the only one who’s neck deep in strife – we’re here …

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Is This Serious? Why Do My Feet Ache?

pt HealthFoot pain, Is this serious?

From going for a jog to walking up the stairs to playing with the kids, our feet are an essential part of our daily routine. That’s why foot pain can be so disruptive and debilitating. You may be wondering, is it normal for my feet to ache like this all the time? This blog post focuses on one of the …

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Exercises for racquet sports and golf

pt HealthSports Physiotherapy

A great way to improve in-game performance is to strengthen your body. When it comes to racquet sports or golf, strengthening exercises can be a great tool to improve your game while preventing overuse injuries. Developing upper body strength Racquet sports and golf usually demand upper body strength, with some power and speed to get the ball where it needs …

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Enhance your comfort with these 3 shoe lacing tips

pt HealthFoot pain, Orthotics

This blog originally appeared on and was written by Paul Mäkinen – a Pedorthist at Lifemark Atlantic. Experiencing blisters or toe pain? Do your shoes feel too tight or too loose and uncomfortable? The way you tie your laces can help support various foot issues. Next time you’re lacing up your shoes, try these 3 lacing techniques to help enhance your …

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5 ways to help you feel more comfortable discussing mental health

pt HealthMental Health, Occupational Therapy

This blog originally appeared on and was written by Katherine Spicer – an Occupational Therapy student at Queen’s University. You may be aware of the impact of societal stigma around mental health on your life. For instance, maybe you find yourself minimizing your mental health concerns to avoid the label of “mental illness” and all that comes with it. Maybe you …

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Chronic vs. Acute: How do you describe your pain?

pt HealthPain

  Pain is your body’s way of letting you know something’s wrong. The area of affected sends pain signals to the brain: We’ve been hit! Being able to describe your pain provides vital information for a doctor or physiotherapist to diagnose the problem, suggest a course of treatment and get you on the road to recovery. But pain can be …

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