What is causing my shin pain and how can I treat it at home?

pt HealthAt-home excerises, Pain Relief

You might think that shin pain happens to runners, but this issue can happen to anyone who has recently intensified their level of physical activity. Shin pain, also known as “shin splints”, is a condition caused by inflammation of the tibialis posterior muscle. This muscle runs along the front and inside of the tibia, or “shin bone”. How does the tibialis posterior …

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Physiotherapist Spotlight: Alex Singh

pt HealthSpotlight

  It’s no secret that we love our team members here at pt Health. Clinic culture is a huge thing for us, which is why we love turning the spotlight on our fantastic clinicians. Today we’re talking to Clinic Team Manager and physiotherapist at Trafalgar Physiotherapy pt Health in Oakville Ontario. Alex dispells some common vestibular myths, explains why you …

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Tips for happier hips

pt HealthPain Relief, Physiotherapy

What could be causing your hip area discomfort? In day to day life, people in general are moving a lot less than they used to. They are combining errands, ordering online, and working from their home offices. They are no longer walking or commuting to work, meeting friends for drinks, or going out to museums or sporting events – resulting …

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Feeling dizzy? It might be your inner ear

pt HealthOccupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Vestibular Rehabilitation

Dizziness can come from many different sources, some of which can be helped by a specialized branch of rehabilitation medicine called vestibular rehabilitation.  The vestibular system includes the balance organs in our inner ears and the parts of the brain involved in processing the information about head movement and position coming from these organs. Typically, dizziness related to the vestibular …

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How laughter can improve mental health

pt HealthMental Health

They say laughter is the best medicine, but where do you get it? At the Ha-spital… A laugh may seem like something small, but it can improve your mental health in a big way. While we all experience mental health differently, laugher has the potential to be the cheapest and easiest mood booster available. Here are some ways that laughter has been shown to improve mental health: Boosts …

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5 tips to improve your work-life balance

pt HealthOccupational Therapy

When the pandemic hit last spring, 4.7 million Canadians started to work from home. A year later, working from home has become a new norm for many. You may have noticed the physical toll of working from a makeshift home workstation: maybe your eyes are sore from constant screen use, or your lower body is feeling the effects of sitting …

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What exactly is chiropractic care?

pt HealthAsk a Clinician, Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care is a service that you likely have heard about, but there is a lot about the profession that you might not know about. Let’s have a look at some frequently asked questions about chiropractic care. What is a chiropractor? According to the College of Chiropractors of Ontario, the regulatory body of chiropractors working within Ontario, chiropractors are regulated health …

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Back to school! Tips for carrying a backpack

pt HealthBack pain, Neck pain

With the start of the school year, we’re often asked: “is carrying a heavy backpack bad for me?” While there are a lot of variables that go into answering that question, one thing we can say for sure is that carrying an excessively heavy bag, backpack causes a large number of students to experience back and neck pain early on …

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Mindfulness meditation for chronic pain

pt HealthMental Health, Pain, Pain Relief

Chronic pain – defined as “persistent or recurring pain lasting longer than 3 months – affects roughly one in five Canadians. Chronic pain can negatively impact the quality of life by interfering with sleep, physical function, professional life, social life and familial relationships. Sometimes, having chronic pain can leave you feeling helpless, but did you know that practicing meditation and mindfulness has actually …

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