How to keep your hands healthy and moisturized this winter

pt HealthHands, Pain Relief

With the temperatures dropping, it is not unusual experience dry hands that itch and may even crack. We still have many months of this ahead of us, so how can we best manage our hands? There are other factors, besides hand hygiene, which contribute to making our hands vulnerable.  Addressing these will go a long way in preventing hand irritation. …

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How to warm up for golf in fall weather

pt HealthExercises, Physiotherapy

Just because the weather is getting cooler doesn’t mean you need to put the golf clubs away just yet.  However, it is important to ensure you’re properly warming up, increasing circulation to the large muscle groups involved in the game of golf. Specifically, the hips, shoulders, and torso require adequate flexibility to perform an optimal golf swing. By doing mobility …

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Relieve low back pain with these easy movements

pt HealthBack pain, Pain Relief, Physiotherapy

4 out of 5 Canadians will experience back pain at some point in their lives. Back pain can vary from a minor annoyance to a debilitating condition. Next time it strikes, try these safe easy to do movements that can help relieve discomfort and get you moving comfortably again. To open the infographic and make it larger, click here. Note: The information listed …

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What is causing my jaw pain?

pt HealthPain Relief, Physiotherapy, TMJ

Do you experience pain in your jaw when you’re chewing, do you hear clicking or popping sounds when you open or close your mouth, are you suffering from headaches, pain in your ear, face, jaw, or neck, or has your jaw locked and are you unable to move it? If so, you may be experiencing problems with your temporomandibular joint …

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Don’t let the fear of falling stop you

pt Healthfall prevention, Vestibular Rehabilitation

Has a fear of falling made you turn down a golfing trip or that walk your friends invited you on? Maybe you try not to leave the house unless absolutely necessary because you just don’t trust your balance enough. If this sounds like you, take comfort in knowing you are not alone. 34% of Canadians over the age of 65 …

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How occupational therapy can help address mental health concerns

pt HealthMental Health, Occupational Therapy

When you think of seeking support for mental health conditions or symptoms, do you think of an Occupational Therapist? Most will think of psychologists, psychotherapists, social workers or even psychiatrists and picture themselves lying on a couch with someone looking over them (like the scenario shown in movies). Did you know that Occupational Therapists have the education, training, and skills to help …

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Integrating the 4 P’s into life with persistent pain

pt HealthOccupational Therapy, Pain

If you deal with pain and discomfort on a daily basis, everyday tasks can be challenging. The 4 P’s: prioritizing, pacing, planning, and positioning – provide four different paths to help you effectively manage and navigate persistent pain in your everyday life. Learn more about the four P’s below. What is prioritizing? Prioritizing means being focused on which tasks are …

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5 strategies that can help you talk to your clinician about pain

pt HealthOccupational Therapy, Pain, Physiotherapy

Communicating effectively about pain can be difficult. The good news is that when patients ask questions and express concerns, clinicians can develop a clearer understanding of the patient’s life and are therefore better able to provide tailored interventions. When patients experience difficulty explaining their pain symptoms, it comes as no surprise that clinicians may develop an inaccurate understanding of their …

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The PEACE and LOVE approach to injury recovery

pt HealthPain Relief, Physiotherapy

Note: The content in this blog is not intended to replace the advice of your clinician. If you are unsure about following any of the below steps, please speak to your clinician. Have you ever sprained your ankle or pulled a muscle and been told to give it RICE? RICE is a widely accepted principle of soft tissue injury management that …

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