photo of pt Health Directors and CEO inset in a International Women's Day Pledge Card

International Women’s Day 2018: Renewing Our Commitment

pt HealthCommunity Involvement, Company News


Numerous independent studies have stated the same fact, our prosperity as a country is closely tied to women’s equality and their opportunity to work. In fact, a recent report by McKinsey Global Institute finds that through gender equality, Canada could add $150 billion in incremental GDP in 2026.

Regarding education, women are excelling. But, while the percentage of women aged 25-34 with a post-secondary degree or diploma has increased from 43% in 1990 to 71% in 2013, still only 77.5% of Canadian women are employed, and the vast majority are in entry-level positions. Studies show that the bottleneck for women’s advancement in the workplace happens at two key places, between entry-level and management levels, again between the director and vice-president levels.
Infographic showing pt Health's employment of women by gender and management level.

The reason for these bottlenecks are numerous but can include, women taking time out of their career to have children, inflexible work schedules, and working environments that do not support women. At pt Health, we address this head-on with programs designed to help all employees to succeed from our equitable hiring practices to our mentorship program to our accommodating work schedules. We are committed to gender equality and the advancement and success of women.

On this International Women’s Day we renew our support of women by creating an environment where women can not only grow in their career but succeed.




Statistics Canada: Women and Paid Work
The Power of Parity: Advancing Women’s Equality in Canada: Summary
The Power of Parity: Advancing Women’s Equality in Canada: Full Report
Key Takeaways from Justin Trudeau’s “gender equality” Budget 

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