Woman suffering from tailbone pain holds back

Help! Why Does My Tailbone Hurt?

pt HealthBack pain, Pain Relief

Tailbone Pain Symptoms, Causes & Treatments 

Tailbone pain – medically known as coccydynia – is a soreness or aching that ranges from a mild distraction to severe and gets worse when you’ve been sitting for awhile.

Many people assume that tailbone pain will go away on its own without any treatment, but that’s not always the case.

So, today we’ll address coccydynia or pain in the tailbone, possible causes, and treatment options.

If you’re seeking medical care for your symptoms, find a physiotherapy clinic near you and book an assessment for tailbone pain today.

Symptoms of Tailbone Pain

Tailbone pain has a lot of possible causes, and coccydynia specifically has a lot of mimics (meaning a lot of other conditions have the same symptoms).

The specific symptoms we’re addressing are:

  • A tenderness around the tailbone
  • Localized soreness
  • A deep, dull ache
  • Tightness

Symptoms may be more pronounced when you sit down (even on softer surfaces), after sitting for long periods of time, or when you move from sitting to standing.

Other symptoms of coccydynia may include:

  • Sharp shooting pains when you move
  • Pain during sexual intercourse
  • Pain during bowel movements or just before

Have you noticed symptoms of tailbone pain and feel concerned? Book an assessment with a physiotherapist near you today.

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Causes of Tailbone Pain

There could be any number of causes for tailbone pain. Two common causes are trauma to the area and pregnancy/childbirth.

In very rare cases, coccydynia may also be caused by an infection, a tumour, or a fracture.

If you are experiencing:

  • Sudden tailbone pain
  • Tailbone pain without an injury
  • Tailbone pain from sitting
  • Tailbone pain in pregnancy

Consult with a qualified physiotherapist about possible causes and treatment options.

Treatments for Tailbone Pain

When seeking care for your tailbone pain, your physiotherapist will ask you about any injuries to the area, both recent and not so recent.

If you have given birth, your physio will ask questions about that as well.

Once you’ve had an assessment, depending on the cause of your coccydynia, you may be prescribed:

  • Activity/Behaviour Modification: To prevent re-injury and reduce pain
  • Stretching: Prescribed stretching can reduce muscle tension and decrease pain

Book an assessment with a physiotherapist today to get started on a treatment plan for tailbone pain.

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Managing Tailbone Pain at Home

Talk to your physiotherapist about the best ways to ease your tailbone pain at home.

Common methods include:

  • Ice packs: To reduce inflammation caused from an injury or fall
  • Heating pads: Help reduce muscle tension and tightness in the area
  • Seat cushion: Provides extra padding to take the pressure off your tailbone
  • TENS: Reduce pain and discomfort without medication with Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulator unit

The good news is that “many studies find that non-surgical treatments are successful in approximately 90% of coccydynia cases.[i]

If caught and treated early and effectively, you can see an improvement in symptoms within a relatively short period of time.

Book A Physiotherapy Assessment for Tailbone Pain

If you’re concerned about symptoms of tailbone pain, book an appointment with a qualified physiotherapist to get a full assessment and treatment plan in place. No doctor referral needed!*

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[i] http://www.spine-health.com/conditions/lower-back-pain/treatment-coccydynia-tailbone-pain

*A doctor referral may be required to access your third party insurance

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