Dunnville Physiotherapy Volunteers at Annual Ride, Run, Walk for your Hospital Event!

pt HealthCommunity Involvement

dunnville physiotherapy team holding bannerPhysiotherapists Alison Higgins and Valerie Nagtegaal as well as Massage Therapist, Nadine Hopman, from Dunnville Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation volunteered at the 5th Annual Ride, Run, Walk for your Hospital. This fundraiser is designed to help raise money for a CT Scanner, which will be the only one in the Haldimand County! This year the community was able to raise $48,000!!

At the end of the race, Alison, Valerie and Nadine offered participants free physiotherapy and massage therapy services, gave away pt Health swag as prizes, and had draws for free massages! Overall the day was a great success!

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