Image of Fitbit and downloadable for 21-day Challenge

Contest: 21-Day Challenge

pt HealthHealth

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Prize: A Fitbit Alta & Waterbottle
When: February 1 – 21, 2018
How: Post pictures or videos of your progress on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or with the form below. You get up to 3 entries a day (one for each platform) for a total of 63 chances to win! Remember to use the hashtag #pthealth21!

How to Win

Form a healthy habit, achieve your New Year’s resolutions & win a Fitbit Alta by doing something for your health every day for the next 21-days! It’s easy as 1, 2, 3!

  1. Pick a new habit: like drinking more water, walking every day, or eating more greens
  2. Do your new habit every day for the next 21-days
  3. Share your progress on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram with hashtag #pthealth21

Not sure what a new healthy habit looks like for you? Talk to a pt Health physiotherapist about how to set achievable health, wellness, and fitness goals this year. 

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Image of the DownloadableDownload Your Activity Tracker

Download our free 21-day activity tracker. It’s proven that people who write down their goals are 50% more likely to achieve them. So print this off, put it on your fridge, and keep your eye on the prize!

Download free activity tracker 


*If you’re struggling with pain or mobility issues, talk to a pt Health physiotherapist about how to set achievable health, wellness, and fitness goals this year. 

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