Canadian Mental Health Association mental health week banner showing girl laughing with laptop on couch

CMHA Mental Health Week Toolkit

pt HealthMental Health

This Monday marks the beginning of the Canadian Mental Health Association’s Mental Health Week.

In practice since 1951, the CAMH’s Mental Health Week is an initiative that’s designed to promote the importance of mental health, and to help us focus on connecting with others and sincerely express how we’re feeling.

It goes without saying that we’ve all been particularly on edge over these past few months, as the new reality of COVID-19 has forced us to change our daily lifestyles and habits while keeping ourselves as isolated as possible and at a distance from others when we do see them.

These events have no doubt taken a hefty toll on Canadians across the country, as we struggle to adapt to these new measures and cope with missing those closest to us in the throes of social distancing.

That’s why it’s important, now more than ever, for all of us to feel safe and comfortable expressing our feelings, fears, doubts and struggles in these trying times.

CMHA Mental Health Week Toolkit

The CMHA has released a Mental Health Week toolkit that contains a wide berth of information for anyone looking to participate in this initiative.

In the words of the CMHA:

We’ve created web banners, communications tools and shareable images to help you connect – and #GetReal – for CMHA Mental Health Week.

The toolkit includes an informational overview of Mental Health Week, the key theme & messages, imagery & content for use on social media, and a fact sheet.

There’s a ton of material available for anyone who wants to help spread the importance of mental health via digital channels.

Take a look and download the toolkit assets here.

The Importance of Mental Health

We here at pt Health would also like to take a moment to express our appreciation to the Canadian Mental Health Association for this annual initiative.

The emphasis of mental health on our day-to-day well-being, especially in the midst of an uncertain global situation such as the one we face today, cannot be overstated.

We would like to remind our patients of the importance of taking time for self-care, of staying in tune with and focused on your emotional state, and of reaching out to those close to you if you feel you need help.

And if you think that someone close to you may be struggling with mental health issues but is keeping quiet about it, remind them that you’re there to listen and help however you can.

We’re all in this together.

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