Bell Lets Talk Day

Bell Let’s Talk Day

pt HealthCommunity Involvement, Events

Mental Health is more common than you may think. Did you know that it is estimated that 1 in 5 Canadians will experience mental illness throughout their lifetime? So why aren’t we having a larger conversation about this?

Thanks to Bell Let’s Talk Day the conversation has finally begun to gain some traction. In September of 2010 Bell Let’s Talk Day begun a conversation about Canada’s Mental Health since then it has grown into a national day that brings some much-needed awareness and funding to Mental Health Illnesses.

Bell Let’s Talk Day is dedicated to moving mental health forward and promoting awareness and action with a strategy built on 4 pillars:

  • Fighting Stigma
  • Improving Care + Access
  • Supporting World-Class Research
  • Leading by example in workplace mental health

So now the question is what can you do to help?

Start a conversation, whether that’s with a friend or family member who is struggling or maybe it’s you that needs the help. The best way to end the stigma of mental health is to talk about. Don’t be ashamed to reach out for support when you needed – find someone to talk to.

At pt Health we are doing our part to help reduce the stigma around Mental Health by not only joining in the conversation but using our platform to showcase the benefits of massage therapy for mental illness. According to the Mental Health Center massage therapy can effectively reduce symptoms associated with:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Stress

Massage therapy can help to reduce anxiety and increase a sense of calm. It works to increase neurotransmitters associated with lowering anxiety and decrease hormones associated with increasing anxiety. If you want to speak to one of our clinicians about how massage therapy can help you please get in touch with a clinic in your area.

Another way to get involved is to join the conversation on Bell Let’s Talk Day. Share a text, use the hashtag (#BellLetsTalk) or share your story on social media you never know who you may inspire. You can also donate directly towards the Bell Let’s Talk foundation by following this link

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